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- Digital signature and encryption for high-security data exchange
Our client is an IT company responsible for managing the data exchange between the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance and over 8,000 public and private entities. Dealing with sensitive documents such as tax declarations, they needed to ensure security and performance and to guarantee continuity of operations as well as a safe, trustworthy exchange of information.
By choosing Primeur Filesec on IBM® z/OS®, the company geared up with a scalable solution for Digital Signature and Encryption, able to support the growing demand for signature and cipher operations coming from an increasing number of heterogeneous partners.
The Challenge
Every day, the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance exchanges an impressive amount of data related to electronic invoices, rental agreements and tax declarations with thousands of entities of both the Public Administration and the private sector. In this context, security is a primary concern: data may be intercepted, modified in transit, counterfeited – not to mention the issues related to verifying and assuring the identity of the file originator or sender.
To address this security challenge, our client planned to implement a digital signature and encryption solution that was required to work on IBM zSystems – already in place as core IT infrastructure – as well as on different platforms used by the heterogeneous network of entities involved in the file exchange and verification process. Moreover, the number of processed documents was expected to increase over time, driving the need for a scalable solution able to support growth without downsides in performance.
The Solution
After a thorough evaluation of the available options, the client decided to adopt Filesec, Primeur’s comprehensive multi-platform solution for Encryption and Digital Signature. Filesec is specifically designed to fit in complex scenarios where multiple actors with heterogeneous systems need to exchange large quantities of files with strong security requirements. By being multi-platform, the solution runs both on IBM® z/OS® and on other environments.
This feature, along with a Data Integration approach, allowed the company to capitalize on their existing IT investments, fully leveraging the IBM Z unique capabilities in terms of security, resilience and scalable performance. With this approach, the company’s applications were left completely independent, providing maximum flexibility and the ability to introduce any future evolutions in the IT landscape without major disruptions.
Today, the client processes about 50,000 files per day, ensuring that
all electronic invoices and other tax declaration documents of all
Italian citizens are managed and exchanged between the Italian
Ministry of Economy and Finance and over 8,000 public entities, with
the highest security standards.
With Filesec on IBM® z/OS®, the company has drastically improved
its performance of signature and encryption operations while
leveraging their own architecture, capitalizing on previous IT
investments thanks to a smart Data Integration approach