23/06/2016 – Italy is a multi-channel market where consumers are increasingly buying and getting information in a single environment made up of a plurality of channels, physical and digital ones, in an “everywhere” view.
As per the 2016 Research conducted by the Osservatorio Multicanalità (Multi- channel observatory), presented today in Milan and promoted by Nielsen, School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano and Connexia, in synergy with Hubility, over 63% of Internet users today log on using the mobile channel and consider internet central for their entire customer journey, without limiting to the phase of purchase or collection of information.
This trend concerning users’ behavior, is not only related to eShopper but also to visitors of traditional stores; large retailers and public administration for instance, generate an incredible proliferation of valuable data for companies that, today, are only using a small part of them in a business perspective.
“In our experience, the big CPG players like Unilever and P&G, banks and insurance companies, as well as media and telecommunications companies in Italy and around the world, are more and more interested in managing data in an integrated way. Company’s priority – says Giulio De Amici, Primeur CMO – is to provide business with all the information coming from heterogeneous sources and environments, (Mainframe, DB and institutional company’s file systems, web, social, geolocation, sensors and smart objects, mobile, cloud, data analytics, proprietary or legacy) and to make them available in a simple and useful way, in order to know the customers – regardless of the channel they are using – to offer anyone the right product, at the right time and the right place. Our Hybrid Integration Platform, Primeur Ghibli™, allows to pursue this goal by integrating data coming from different applications without interfering with them, but answering to the specific needs in each vertical and customer.”
In a similar scenario where competition is global and we are witnessing the birth of more and more vertical applications specialized for each process step, the ability to integrate data, regardless of the applications that generate them, and the ability to read them into a strategy, business planning and communication perspective, allows companies to choose the best tools and achieve the best results on the market.